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Dr Rafael Zerquera Palacios
and wife Dinia in whose casa I stayed after arriving in Habana

Dr. Rafael was prevented from completing his medical studies by the dictator Batista, so he went
to the Sierra Maestra mountains to join the rebel forces under Fidel. His medical skills so
impressed Che Guevara that after the Revolution, he was returned to medical school to get his degree
and eventually he became responsible for the development of the modern Cuban medical system.

Today, Cuban doctors are known world-wide for their expertise and dedication.  And there is no shortage
of doctors in Cuba!  In 2004 Cubans had 5.3 doctors per 1,000 people.  That's the best in the world!  
And it's three times better tan in the the United States!

It is also worth noting that Cuba and Canada have the lowest infant mortality rate in the Americas.
Both have nationalized health care plans. Result: both nations surpass the US in most areas of medical
care and longevity – free of charge.