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The Castro Family farm when Fidel was a youth consisted of over 32,000 acres of and a community of 27 buildings, among them a school,
teachers house, cockfighting pit , movie, store, butcher shop, bar, billiards hall, telegraph/post office, infirmary, workshop, drugstore and homes for Haitian migrant
workers. On the farm everybody had the same opportunities. In the school the Castro kids studied together with the children of workers
without any distinction (social, racial, or sex). It is said that this is where Fidel, in his early years, learned his social conscience.

When the Cuban agrarian reform of May 1959 abolished large holdings, the Castro farm was the first to be expropriated under the act.
Fidel had even signed plans to flood the farm to create a water reservoir for the region in the 1960s before his secretary, Celia Sanchez,
intervened to save it.